
Alright, so Hubby and I aren't going to do anything special for Valentine's day. That's OK w/me because we "celebrated" last night-heh heh.

My newspaper didn't arrive today. EVERY morning I read the paper at the table while I eat breakfast, which is usually a toasted bagel with butter. We're out of bagels so today I'm forced to eat that "Harmony" cereal for women-I'm trying to get plenty of folic acid. The cereal gets too soggy, and without my paper AND my bagel, my whole existence seems meaningless and I feel lost and confused.

Hubby bugged the heck outta me last night, wanting me to give something up for Lent. He wouldn't leave me alone until I had chosen something, so I said I would give up swearing because it's something I do too much of anyway. He was happy with that, the *^&*^&$@%. OOOPS! Hubby said he would give up drive-thru fast food (?)


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� mbwillow on
2002-02-14 at 7:24 a.m.