one more try at a house, flourless cake, rain rain go away

We're going to look at a house today. I love the outside of the house and the location-hubby and I drove by it yest. Hubby said he prefered a more "traditional" house, and wasn't enthused. I think he just finds things wrong with houses because he's too scared/cheap to buy one. He asked me to call our real estate agent yest. afternoon (before she called us later in the evening regarding this house). I called her and she got after me, assuring me that she will call if she sees anything, and, in the price range we want, we SHOULD be looking for zero lot lines or condos. I don't want either of those, and I'm not willing to budge on that. Hubby won't budge on the price. Anyhow, she made me feel small, without really being mean, and I felt angry when I got off the phone with her. I was mad at hubby for asking me to call, and mad at myself for doing his dirty work. He just wanted to make sure she was still looking at houses for us. HE should've called. I get suckered into doing shit like this for him often. We'll see how this goes today. I'm a little worried that I will "settle" for this house. It already has one thing about it that I don't like (besides the ugly, bright blue trim). It has only ONE bathroom. However, if it is going to be our starter house, I'll give in to the one bathroom. I guess I'm concerned again, that I will just want it because I'm sick of looking, and I feel picky and guilty for saying no to ALL those other houses we've looked at. But then again, what if this one is THE one? Actually, I already found THE one, we just would've struggled to afford it.

Now I'm down, thinking about this. Crud.

I think it's a combination of weariness from stress at home and the weather- it's been so ugly- grey and bleak- out. I vow to have my home be my sanctuary. I want soft, calming colors and a soothing atmosphere. It would be neat if I could get a professional to help me with how to decorate our house (when we finally get one). I know we could never afford it, however. Our friends in Boston have their part of the duplex they rent decorated all crazy, with sunflowers, chili peppers, etc. It's bright and haphazardly cheerful. It's right up their alley, but I guess because hubby and I have jobs that can be rather stressful, I would prefer coming home to a place that makes me feel at ease, and I know what that means....NO PANELING! I can't stand that stuff! I'm staring at it now behind this monitor. Ugh! So hideous, it is. My parents painted theirs, and it looks pretty neat. This apt. has one wall of paneling, and one wall of regular, plaster white.

On another note, I made a flourless chocolate cake for hubby last night. It took a long time to prepare (double boiler, beating separated eggs, etc.) and THREE HOURS to bake, and I got tired early so I let hubby put it away. He put it in the fridge without covering it and today it's hard as a rock. Dammit.

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� mbwillow on
2003-02-11 at 7:34 a.m.