an entry for my dear friend ladyloo

**clears throat**


The following is for my friend ladyloo. Ladyloo has moved on to bigger and better things. Ladyloo, I hope that Mississppi brings you much joy. It has been an honor being your friend.


good things are coming to you...

please please don't pay no mind...

if in your pool, me should you find...

and when I'm there, out shall I crawl...

to hear you speakin' with a drawl...

Tom Jones to dance to, that is that...

someday I'll see you, that's a fact

I made that up all my myself. I'm not nearly as poetic as the fanciful master-of-words makahagirl, but perhaps with practice, I'll get there soon.

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� mbwillow on
2004-02-19 at 5:10 p.m.