yup, it's Monday.

Today it says "I handle authority with ease, and I am always respected in return."

Yesterday was emotionally draining. Hubby and I had an "epiphany", of sorts. I won't go into the details because Hubby asked me not to. I wonder how Sophie's first day of work is going? She called me Sat. night and asked me to go to Alano club with her for dancing. Hubby asked me to stay home, so I did. He never asks anything like that of me, so I did it for him.

What do you think of a coworker who warns you that she had a very bad yesterday and may snap at someone, so please just leave her alone? Is she doing right by letting people know, or is she taking her home garbage to work and letting it interfere? hmmm.

I had a scary dream where I was going to the juvenile "jail" where Hubby works to meet a client (?). There were these little dogs I was trying to save while running away from this madman (juvenile?) who was going to hurt me or rape me or something. It was scary. I need to STOP watching OZ before bed on Sundays. Last week I couldn't sleep after that show. good grief.

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� mbwillow on
2002-02-11 at 8:04 a.m.