a jumble of thoughts

Supposed to go dancing with Sophie tonite. Hope it's not just me, her, and her boyfriend. Ugh. 3rd wheel. I'm going to pick up Josh hopefully so I have someone to go on a few rides with for the local "festival". I'm leaving my cell phone on more. No one calls, usually, but it makes more sense - JUST IN CASE, ya know? Can't wait to go to Vegas. I should look up my friend there. I emailed her but she didn't email back. The Vagina monologes was on HBO last night. Hubby wanted to watch it, but when he figured out that it wasn't all about pretty, happy vaginas, and rape, periods, urine, etc. was discussed, he turned over and tried to sleep, then got pissed at me for watching it and "keeping him up" after he bugged me to come to bed and watch it. What a dork.

I want to have a baby, but part of me knows that I have plenty of time, but part of me feels like I want it NOW. God. This is so weird, but after running into "mr popularity" from High School a couple weeks back and finding out that he is married w/o kids I had a reality check that I have plenty of time. Still, that nagging feeling.

I slept in till 9AM today! Whoa. That's sleeping late for me, made me happy. I want to go to Sitka and see my friends. I know that it won't be the same like it was in college, but I still want to go. Wierd.

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� mbwillow on
2002-02-16 at 10:46 a.m.