undre the influence.

OK so this is my first entry under the influence of alcohol. Lloyd had me go to his favorite bar and I had a few beers. drove home and was n't scared.then I drank another beer at my place. nice and fun. Sophie wants to go to a bar tomorrow and I want to go. Hubby is such a homebody I know he won't go, I cant' stand watching TV all the time. I want to be able to play in the dirt. I want a yard. I want lots and lots of room and a flower garden and a vegetable garden and a dog and I don't know.

Bro #4's friend Helen gave me her # to go out sometime. She begs money from him tho, so I want to be careful. YAY the native bar tomorrow, should be fun. They're always nice :-)gosh.

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� mbwillow on
2002-03-07 at 8:27 p.m.