easy to exercise...

So, here I am again. Had to give a friend a ride last night and got home at 9:30 ish- late for me. I feel bad for her. Every time things begin to go good, they fall apart.

We're almost done paying ourselves back for the "loan" we took from the $$$ in CT (hubby's rich great-aunt gave us) Now we'll have an addl. $500 monthly and we can't decide whether or not to put it towards the biggest student loan (mine) or put it in a savings acct. I thought at first we should split the $$ and do both, but now maybe it would be better to pay down the loan. I owe 28,000. Ouch. We're lucky though, really. At least we have extra $$ to figure out what to do with. We have so much debt though= my loan, his loan, car... I don't regret any of it.

Hubby wants me to start exercising again because he says that I feel better about myself when I do. That's true. But... I'm LAZY

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� mbwillow on
2002-06-20 at 6:45 p.m.