rant and rave and rant and rave

I don't really feel like writing in my diary right now, but I will. Had a crappy day yesterday at work. I managed to piss off my boss. Good grief. Don't want to get into it here. We're OK now, however.

I was invited to meet the Russian visitors for work at the airport- they get in at 5:30AM and I very well may go. For some reason I'm so concerned about what others at work will think- why I'm so interested, etc. I cleaned my house in case I end up inviting any of them over- hope I don't clobber their language too much- it's been a while.

It's boss' birthday Sunday- so I bought roses and balloons to bring to work tomorrow. I'm a suck up :-) No, not really. I'm getting irritated at work, tho- I get tired of being asked everything like I know all the answers. I swear my coworker enjoys her ignorance- I guess it IS bliss. She's happy just not knowing and shrugging her shoulders and sending folks to me. Gets irritating. Sometimes I leave the room before she can do it, or I put headphones on and tune her out. I guess it's mean, but I feel like being mean sometimes.

Wow, for not wanting to write, I sure have a lot to say. It's all bitching tho- I guess this is my sounding board. Been feeling strange about my mother- I hate feeling this way but it's so weird that she's metamorphosizing (?) right in front of my eyes and I just don't know how to deal with it. I'm really having problems and I don't want to let her know about it. Every time she mentions her continuing weight loss I get this weird feeling. I hate myself for it. Dammit, I thought I had this taken care of already. How depressing is this entry?! God.

Hubby is SO into the damn reality TV. I wouldn't mind if it was just one show, but ALL of them?

OK, I'm done. Sorry for this.

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� mbwillow on
2002-09-19 at 8:47 p.m.