heatherWantsBabies-House is good!

OK- I gotta add this entry before I leave for work early and stop and get some cigarettes. Ahem.

ALL is good w/the house! Halleluja! We had the $350 home inspector come, and roof is good, foundation, plumbing, electrical- all good! He's gonna ask the seller to fix the ceiling fan (not "flush" with the ceiling) and fix 2 heating vents that come out of the closet (meaning that if the closet doors are shut, the room won't be heated). The house is old, but sturdy as hell. I'm happy. Hubby and I have to start going thru our stuff and getting rid of things, packing, etc. We don't want to be rushed, so we're leaving ourselves plenty of time.

What's with my dreams?! Sun. night I had 2 bad dreams, only one of which I remember- I was being bitten on the hands by dogs. Last night I dreamt that I was being chased by a black bear and had to climb onto the roof of my parents' house and pull the ladder up with me to get away. Geez.

Mon. night my friend called me. She and I have been good friends for a long time. She's in WI at grad school now. Anyway she called and she and her boyfriend broke up so she was all sad. She was also drunk when she called. I was surprised that she said she had gotten very attached to her boyfriend's two children. My friend is not the type who has ever made it known that she wants kids. She talked about how lonely she is, and how at 27 she hates going thru life alone, and how she wants to "be a part of something bigger." I was surprised- I thought she was a carefree, single person. I spent alot of time thinking about our conversation after it ended. I am so lucky to be in a marriage made of mutual love. I'm not alone in life.

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� mbwillow on
2003-02-19 at 7:18 a.m.