bloodsuckers! & Sophie update.

Well I went in this AM and got my blood drawn for the first time in my life. They took it from my hand, I guess because my veins in the inside of my elbows weren't that great. I felt a little lightheaded. It might be because I fasted too. I won't get the results till 3 days from now or so. I hate this waiting game. I'm convinced I have PCOS, so just get it over with and tell me already.

After I got blood stolen from my body, I decided to go and pick out glasses frames (after eating at the cafeteria, of course- I'm not one to miss a meal!) My new glasses should be ready in a week or so. Both my OBGYN and my eye doc are at the same hospital, making it nice. If only my dentist were there...

Oh- news on Sophie. Her boyfriend spanked his child from a previous relationship and left bruises, apparently. His mom saw the bruises and now DFYS is involved in their life now. My friend is all upset. She's being asked to leave with her children or risk being a part of his case plan with DFYS. So, she's going back to her village for the summer with her kids. She cried to me and told me how she's afraid she made a mistake getting involved with him and having his child. I think he's just too young. In my opinion, he needs the anger mgt and parenting classes that are being required of him. I wish Sophie wouldn't go home, but I know she couldn't make a clean break from her boyfriend if she were to stay in Anch.

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� mbwillow on
2003-04-22 at 10:45 a.m.