weather, SIL, dishwasher

Well, everyone else updated so I feel I should too, but I don't have alot to say.

Had a good day at work- y'know when you're just "on", and everything falls into place. You say the right things and get a bunch of stuff done. That was today. It's a nice feeling.

Supposed to get windy tomorrow. It's also garbage day, so maybe we'll have trash cans when I get off work or maybe they'll have blown away.

Still no dishwasher yet. Hubby continues to "investigate". We'll shop around to a few more places before we make up our minds. No big deal.

I'm bugging hubby to get ahold of friends of ours in Boston. I'm hoping they'll be able to meet us in Vegas in April. They're a fun couple.

My SIL and baby neice came over yest. for a little while. We chatted about the family. It's nice to know that others are as frustrated as me with a few family members.

No more today.

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� mbwillow on
2004-01-05 at 6:21 p.m.