what my parents taught me

I have thoughts. I think I'll share them.

My former coworker's husband died of lung cancer. I know, I know, I'm a cold, heartless person for not being more supportive. She came in the morning he died and asked for donations of $$ and donations of personal leave. Other folks in the office gave her a total of 5 weeks leave. I guess she had all kinds of $$ problems- with the cost of the funeral, etc. but chose to take all 5 weeks of leave and not cash it in, which in my opinion would've been a smarter thing to do. Who knows, I've never been in that situation. So, she's gone from her new position in our office for a while. I just thank God I don't have to work with her directly anymore.

I've been using my horn alot lately (the one in the car, haha). Mostly I seem to use it as I'm driving home from work. I think that's when I'm the most easily irritated. Actually, I don't even seem to get mad when I honk at idiots. Yesterday I just calmly laid on the horn and the lady who pulled in front of me flipped me off. Not yeilding to oncoming traffic pisses me off, it's the law. I don't cut corners with my driving. I'm very, very law abiding when it comes to getting behind the wheel.

I shall now begin a list of things my parents told me:

1) When we all work together, the work is fun, and before you know it, the work is done.

2) Don't get married right out of high school and become a baby-making machine.

3) You don't have to be married to have sex.

4) Sometimes animals have to be killed for food. Never let an animal suffer needlessly when this is done.

5) Marry someone who can fix things.

Oh well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad.

I am washing a coat that says "dry clean only", and hoping it will be OK. It stinks. It REALLY stinks. It smells like the house I visited today. A client's house. A messy, filthy, stinky house.

Was it just me, or was there a mild earthquake around 10 AM today??

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� mbwillow on
2004-01-28 at 4:59 p.m.