all kinds of crazy shite

I am now the proud owner of the cheapest 7 inch screen portable DVD player on the market. So yay for me.

Hubby is busy right now, screaming the F word at my replacement (PS2). Apparently, the Madden game isn't going as good as he'd like.

I am doing my best to be content with all that I have and not constantly want more. Don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

I will most likely not be able to write next week, as I will be in the pacific northwest, doing absolutely nothing while my boss shops at 99 cent stores. Work? What work? Hopefully however, I can steal frito-lays away from his busy schedule to come and take me to someplace classy, like Olive Garden. Update, already frito-lays! I miss ya!

I heard that Michael Jackson called in to a radio talk show yesterday, complaining about his sister's antics during the Super Bowl halftime show. He said he didn't think Janet's exposed breast was appropriate for the 12 year old boy in bed with him to see.

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� mbwillow on
2004-02-04 at 6:30 p.m.