First Grade

Alright. I'll update. First grade. I went to R@bbit Creek Elementary in Anchorage. Mrs. Marcy was my teacher, and she should've retired years earlier, because now that I look back, she was pretty burned out. Her idea of a "party" was everyone sitting at our desks silently eating a cupcake. "NO TALKING!" "STAY IN YOUR SEATS!" "PENCILS DOWN AND EYES UP HERE!" One time we got smart and after she said "pencils down", we all yelled in unison "AND EYES UP HERE!" Mrs. Marcy wasn't pleased.

Everyone was asked to draw a train and they would be displayed at the museum in an exhibit. I came home crying and told my mom that my train wasn't being allowed in the exhibit. Mrs. Marcy told my mom it was because I had drawn a checkerboard train and "trains weren't checkerboard." Grrrr. My mom being who she is, didn't argue or stick up for my creativity. She and dad silently protested the public school by making first grade my last year at R@bbit Creek Elementary.

First grade wasn't really the best way for me to become introduced to school. Oh, and in first grade I was tested for the gifted & talented program. I didn't make it.

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� mbwillow on
2004-05-02 at 7:43 p.m.