second grade, hsg

In second grade mom and dad switched me to an "optional" school, (private). It was kind of like Montessori- tables instead of desks, you call your teacher by their first name, etc. Classes were 1st & 2nd together, 3rd & 4th together, and 5th & 6th together. Big couches, rugs on the floor to sit on. Me and the rest of the hippie kids, haha.

Seriously, this "go at your own pace" learning was right up my alley. I thrived and loved it. My second grade teacher was "Stephanie". She had freckles and taught us things like clogging. She played the dulcimer. No shit. I still remember my clogging steps- shuffle step, back step. Fieldtrips, cooking, lots of fun. No report cards- just "parent, teacher, CHILD" conferences. Yep, students were required to attend the conferences.

We carpooled with a few other kids to & from school each day. Good times.


Moving on to recent events. Yesterday was another doctor's appt. Don't read if you're squeamish about women's parts.

Yesterday, I had my hysterosalpingogram. Hubby took me to the hospital. I was brought back to a dark room and asked to put on a hospital gown. I then laid down on this huge metal bed like thing, with a sheet on it to keep me from freezing. There was this giant machine over me. It was scary. I had to put my feet in the goddamn stirrups and have a balloon like thing inserted INTO my cervix, then blown up a bit to make it wide enough to fit a small tube thru. Then dye was injected into the tube so it flowed into my uterus. The machine on top of me detected the dye, and with the special x-rays, could see the shape of my uterus. I was asked to roll onto my side so the dye could run into one fallopian, then roll over to the other side so it could run to the other fallopian tube. OMG it HURT. Cramps BADLY. I couldn't focus on anything but the pain. I was not expecting pain like that.

In just a few seconds, it was over and the doctor took out the plastic tube from my cervix and the dye drained from me (sorry, gross). I was just kinda shocked that it was so uncomfortable, and I layed there kind of shaky. I was shown the pictures and told that my uterus and fallopian tubes are normal, and that physical malformations are not present, so that is now ruled out as the cause of my miscarriages. One more box checked off the list, I guess.

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� mbwillow on
2004-05-04 at 1:54 p.m.