
My mom is eplieptic. She's been on anti-seizure medication since she was 11 years old.

Mom told me this weekend that her blood tests are showing that one of her meds is not absorbing anymore. She said she had a "fugue" of some sort one day last week. She woke up and knew who she & dad were, but knew nothing else for the ENTIRE DAY. The doctor told her she probably had a seizure the previous night, but it was unlike any seizure she's ever had before- normally she remembers things fine when she wakes up, she's just nauseous & vomits.

I'm scared for her. She quit driving. Mom said that she has an appt. to see a neurologist in a week or so, and that the neurologist will most likely be changing her meds. Mom hasn't changed her meds in MANY years, and she is terrified of having seizures until the dosages are right. I feel so bad for mom.

Mom has grand mal seizures, the kind with full-blown twitching and jerking movements. I've only seen her have one once. I was a small child and walked into my parents' bedroom one morning. Dad had ahold of mom's arms and mom's eyes were huge. She was moving all over. Mom turned her head and her wide open eyes stared right at me as she was jerking all over. I was about 5 or so and just stood rooted to the floor completely frozen in fear. She seemed to be looking right through me, all vacant-like. Dad shouted at me to get out and I turned and ran like hell to my room. I'll never forget it.

Mom took her anti-convulsant medications all throughout her pregnancy with me. It's a wonder I didn't turn out missing limbs or something. Back then (mid 70's) there wasn't as much knowledge about effects of medication on a fetus as there is now.

I've had several seizures myself, all when I was small. All 3 times I had hit my head on something (a chair, fell down the stairs, etc.) and went into convulsions. I don't remember any of it.

So, my mom is having a hard time right now- afraid of the unknown. I wish I could do more.

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� mbwillow on
2004-08-02 at 2:54 p.m.