lights out!

Well, goddamnit.

Yesterday morning I got up and it was..........................snowing. Big, wet, heavy flakes of snow. I thought for sure it would melt as it hit the ground, but it built up and up and up. It snowed ALL DAY yesterday. To top it off, the leaves haven't even fallen off the tree yet, so the leaves caught all this extra weight from the snow and crashed to the ground all over town- including our yard. Hubby went outside and picked up giant branches scattered all over hither & yon.

We got out of the house a bit here and there yesterday. Some of the traffic lights were out, and combined with the first snow, people were idiots on the road.

We made it home in one piece, but the slush was really bad in the streets and we had trouble making it up a tiny hill near the house.

My mom called and was chatting with me about the relative who my family had an "intervention" on and sent her to rehab. She was thrown out over a week ago for being too flirtatios with the men there. Now she's back in town with her @sshole boyfriend who beats her, and they're drinking again. Lovely.

In the middle of our conversation, the electricity went out. Hubby & I hunkered down for a long night. He read by the light of an oil lamp and a few candles while I napped on the couch. We were in bed by 8pm.

And then....the neighbor's dog, which we've never heard bark before....barked......all night.
We struggled with sleep. The dog finally quit around 2AM and we fell asleep for good this time, at least until the electricity came on at 5AM. In total, the electricity was out for 12 hours. I slept in a sweatsuit, with 2 comforters piled on me for extra warmth.

Now, all is back to normal, except for the forest of broken branches in my yard.

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� mbwillow on
2004-09-26 at 8:43 a.m.