"breast is best"- suck me!

Well, yesterday was my birthday. I'm not 29 anymore. I kinda wanted a low-key day, and that's what I got, thankfully. The night before my birthday two friends & I went to dinner and then out for a drink (and NO, I did not breastfeed my baby after drinking- so calm yourselves).

I'm a bit touchy when it comes to breastfeeding issues, so save your preaching.

Anyhow, we had a wonderful time. I was a bit nervous because neither friend knew each other, but they got along great. I had alot of fun & ate crab legs till they came out my ears.

I'm attempting to pack for the two week trip coming up to see the in-laws in CT. It's hard packing for the baby, and of course, I'm nervous about people being critical of me. It seems that people are never critical of fathers, they always just assume that dads are bumbling idiots when it comes to babies, but when a MOM does something that a person doesn't believe in, suddenly there are whispers and disapproving looks.

I'm not too worried about my MIL being that way (although she is bound to take issue with something in the way I parent), I'm more worried about his other relatives- especially when it comes to breastfeeding (or lack thereof). Yes, he gets breastmilk. No, I don't have an adequate supply to breastfeed him full-time; I never have. He is happy & healthy and hubby & I are comfortable with the situation, so why can't you be?

Yeah, typing it is easier than saying it.

I still have nagging fears.

Hubby's friend has an 8 month old, and he, his wife, and their baby are coming to the baptism. I guess I just feel like less of a mother because I'm not breastfeeding him, and she still is.

I can't wait till this isn't an issue anymore.

Please don't write me about how to up my milk production- I've tried things and it just hasn't worked out. I've come to the conclusion that I am not hell-bent on nursing the baby. He'll just have to keep getting what I can give him, and fill the rest of his tummy with formula.

Second class mothers, unite!

(just feeling sorry for myself a bit- new mother shame- mixed with turning THIRTY YEARS OLD) omg.

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� mbwillow on
2005-05-02 at 2:17 p.m.