Richard S!mmons!

Well, a week or so ago, I got to thinkin' about the hurricane. Then I got to thinkin' about New 0rleans. After that, my thoughts rambled to a book I'd read some time ago, "Still Hungry After All These Years", by none other than Richard Simmons. I remembered that in the book he'd said he was raised in New Orleans.

Now, I'm not a big Richard Simmons fan or anything- I don't "deal a meal", and I haven't "sweated to the oldies" in quite some time, but I like autobiographies of interesting people, and doggone it, he IS interesting! Well, I did some online sleuthing (with my limited search engine ability) and found his website. I promptly sent him an email about how sorry I was to hear about his hometown, and I hope all is well with his family, friends, etc.

Well, he RESPONDED! I don't think it's an assistant pretending to be him, either- it's the real deal. Following is his email to me:

Thank YOU for your kind thoughts about my hometown. I just got back from there checking up on my family and friends. I hope your friends in Diamonhead are okay. Join me in keeping New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast in our prayers!
Your Friend,

AWWWWW, I feel so kewl to have the fitness dude email little 'ol me! Now I need to convince him to move in our spare room and become my personal trainer! Yep, I got CONNECTIONS now!

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� mbwillow on
2005-09-12 at 7:35 p.m.