
How much does guilt motivate YOU? This week, it's been my primary motivation. The guilt of three old ladies (my mom's step-mom "grandma", hubby's grammy, & my aunt) who haven't received baby pictures from us since the birth announcement. Why can't everyone just own a computer? Emailing pics is just so much easier.

But I digress. I spent one lunch hour this week at the store, printing out pictures from one of those photo kiosks. With my coupon, the price wasn't bad, and that night I promptly mailed the pictures to the three old women in their 80's who will go nuts over the cuteness of my offspring.

Another motivating factor is my father- he is alone till Thanksgiving because my mom is with her brother, taking care of him till his wife gets back from a cruise. What kind of wife leaves her husband for two weeks, while he is recovering from BRAIN surgery?! That's my aunt.

I drove the 70 miles to see dad yesterday. We had a nice time and I showed him a bit about the new (old) computer he was given by his friend. Poor dad just knows web*tv. Until yesterday, he thought all the computer could do was get on the internet. The drive home was hell- baby fussy and crying, roads were slick as hell and whiteout conditions. For a while, all I could see was the tailights of the car ahead of me. I just stared at them, crawled down the road and prayed.

Again, I was feeling guilty- I haven't seen dad in a couple of weeks and since he's by himself for awhile, I risked life and limb (ok, well not really) to visit. I'm a good daughter.

Gee, am I feeling a bit melodramatic today?

I straightened the house up today but you wouldn't know it *sigh*.

Guilt. I'm Catholic, so it's expected, right? I would make a list of things I felt guilty about, but reading the list would make me feel worse, and I'd probably let it ruin my night. For one task that alleviates guilt, there are several more that fill the spot.

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� mbwillow on
2005-11-20 at 4:09 p.m.