another bus dream

Last night the phone rang at 10:08. Everyone knows I go to bed before ten on most nights unless I'm expecting to do something, etc. I let the machine get it and caller ID told me it was Sophie. Maybe I'll call her today, but Hubby and I are supposed to go to a basketball game at East High tonight. I'm going to see a movie- I think I'll see Lord of the Rings, but I also want to see A Beautiful Mind.

I had another bus dream. Coworkers and my bro Todd were on the bus. It was a school bus going to Willow. I was mad because we had to go back to get J.(coworker) and someone told my brother that I am a smoker. I swear, I gotta talk to someone about these recurring bus dreams that have been going on since I was a child. School bus, city bus, sometimes I'm at a bus stop and once I was driving a bus. I don't understand the significance fully, and I feel I need to overcome something to get these dreams to stop.

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� mbwillow on
2002-02-02 at 10:06 a.m.