
Well I'm off on another trip, only this one will be just for 2 nights next week. It'll be just me too, and no one else. I kinda wish I didn't have to go- I'd rather be home with hubby. Also, this trip is to June@u, ho hum.

I listen to talk radio. Sometimes I like the left-wing "public radio" station, that usually talks about human rights infractions in other countries. Other times, if I'm feelin' ornery, I'll listen to a talk show on another station until they say something so off the wall that I have to change the station. One time I did this, I heard the not-so-lovely "Doctor" Laura give crappy advice (which she does about 70% of the time). A mother called in and said that her teen daughter felt uncomfortable around a certain male teacher and that he gave her a funny, creepy feeling. Doctor Laura called her daughter a wimp. Um....I'm sorry?

I don't know why I do that to myself. Why do I put myself thru the torture of getting all upset at radio personalities? There's one that I would sooner cut my throat than listen to- Rush "speed freak" Limb@ugh. Haha- his first name is "Rush", like the't ask me how I know that...*whistles innocently*

When 'ol Rushie boy found himself in rehab, my dad sent a sympathy card to his neighbor (a Rush L. fan).

I try to keep up with what is going on in the world thru radio, newspaper, and sometimes TV. I hate TV news because it seems like all they try to do is scare people. If all they said was true, Y2K would've wreaked havoc on the earth and killer bees would've killed us all long before then. The ozone layer would've made for kick-ass tans, and the loss of the spotted owl would've thrown the entire earth's ecosystem into turmoil.

Let's see, what else can I bitch about?

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� mbwillow on
2004-02-17 at 8:46 p.m.