3rd grade

Grade Three:

Same school as 2nd grade, thank goodness. My teacher's name was Mary :-)

I had a crush on a boy named Sy. I used to chase him around the playground. He wore a newspaper boy cap that made him look like something out of the 1940's. What a cutie.

Still carpooled each day to school. Mom would drive me to one house, that parent would drive me and their kid to another house, and the 3rd parent would drive a total of 3 of us to school. I liked the 3rd house because they had a heated garage and cable tv in the house. It was the first time I'd ever seen "Fraggle Rock" was when I was waiting at their house. I used to think they were rich.

I think it was in 3rd grade that we learned a song in French about the parts of the body. I think it was called "Alouette" or something like that.

Music class was held in a portable. We watched "Yellow Submarine". It was a cool cartoon. OMG I'm so old.

I was REALLY into eating hot dogs around that time. Mom would pack me a hot dog in hot water in a thermos in my lunch. The bun would be in my lunchbox, and I would eat hot dogs almost every day. I felt sorry for my friend with the granola-ish parents, as she only got "healthy" food in her lunch. We often saved our money and bought candy on the way home from school when my mom would stop off at the store. We'd scarf down the candy in the bathroom.

THAT, ladies and gents, is when mbwillow's problems with weight began.

The store that mom stopped off at, opened for business on my 8th birthday (1983). This year it is undergoing major renovations because it is "old" on the inside. Guess that means I'm old too.

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� mbwillow on
2004-05-06 at 3:16 p.m.