a tragic end for a too-short life

Geez, again I haven't felt like updating. We lost a client today. A 14 year old girl in another state who was repeatedly victimized sexually by a number of different men (both relative and non). She died today.

No one knows what killed her. She was found face up on the floor of her foster home. She had a bruise on the back of her head, like she fell straight backwards. She & her brothers (two adoptive, one bio)lost their mom last month to cancer. Their adoptive mom. Adoptive dad raped retarded auntie a while back & the girl saw it happen.

Their bio parents adopted them out- bio mom was murdered by her own sister in their home village in AK. Not sure if the kids were adopted when that happened or not. They had another older brother who was given away in a guardianship after the bio parents didn't get them back. That child died at around the same age as she did today. I looked thru the file to see what he died of, but couldn't find anything. It happened before I was hired.

After he was guardianed out, the now-deceased eldest bio brother's guardian decided she wanted his Perm@nent Fund D!vidends and filed court documents. She became his legal guardian in 1999, and not six months later, he died, and she goes after his money.

Tragic. All of it. Tragic.

I've had one prior client die before- she was found in the bushes behind a sports arena here in town. I never found out what killed her. That was years ago.

Autopsy was done this afternoon on the girl that just passed this AM. They're gonna do a tox-screen too. She smoked pot, but no one believed she did anything more. Because she wasn't in state custody yet, her rapist adoptive dad gets to make all the decisions about what's going to happen with her body. He wasn't even allowed to be around her- there was a restraining order.

She dressed like a boy at times, and tried to pass as a boy. When that happened, and when people found out that she was female, it was said that she would get taunted & manhandled. Makes me really mad at men. I'm sick of women being victimized. Tragic young thing gone forever- and the info I've relayed today is only the bad stuff that I know about.

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� mbwillow on
2006-05-18 at 7:13 p.m.