hubby doing good dieting, blab

Not a heck of alot of news. Sophie and I went out Sunday night- we had fun- didn't do much. Ummm. This is the last week my boss is gone and I'll be glad when she gets back. I hate filling in for her. Sophie gave me my late Christmas present- a nice wine glass and a pair of porcupine quill earrings she made herself. I was pleased.

Hubby is doing good- I've never been prouder. We're still looking at houses. We went to see 2 yesterday and from the outside, we could tell they weren't for us. I'm working on not trying so hard to please our real estate agent. Gawd, I need help.

I'm not smoking in the evenings, however, sometimes I sneak out at work during the day and have one. Shame on me.

I had a much better day than yesterday. Yesterday was "tell your problems and bad news to mbwillow" day. It was awful. Bad news and "woe is me's" all day. Today was much, much better.

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� mbwillow on
2003-01-28 at 8:05 p.m.