concert, podee

Well, you may be looking at the world's laziest parent. Look at what I bought today. I haven't tried it yet, but it looked interesting.
Testimonials, anyone?

Hubby says he wants us all to go to Se@ttle when my mom has her surgery in Sept. Since I won't have any real leave time saved up by then, my boss has graciously offered to let me set up a few home visits and meetings with clients, etc. down there and I won't have to use as much leave. I really, really appreciate it, because if I have to take any leave without pay, it'll put us in the poorhouse fast.

**We need an inexpensive place to stay in Seattle, that's near Sw#dish H0spital**

Our car door is fixed, finally, from when that jerk ran into our PARKED car 4th of July weekend.

Now we need to get the cruise control fixed that dealer assholes broke when they were replacing the computer earlier this summer *sigh*. It always seems to be something. Our other car is such a piece of crap. We're trying so hard to only have one car payment, and we're almost done paying off our newer car. Once that's done, hubby can finally get the truck he's been wanting. I've said it before~ he deserves a truck.

Well, *Uncle Kr@cker is playing the fair this year, and I really want to go and I want hubby to go with me. He was K!d Rock's* DJ ya know! My longtime readers remember the TWO K!d Rock* concerts I went to in Vegas. (I swear, he plans his concerts around my vacations!)

For the *Uncle Kr@cker concert, I won't even need to get on a plane! Hey, don't knock it~ concerts are a big deal to those of us in the frozen north.

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� mbwillow on
2005-08-01 at 9:10 p.m.