Going, going....still gone!

Enjoying our vacation! Getting some shopping in and the party for hubby, his brother, and our baby went great- except for the massive hangover I had that lasted most of the day. There's nothing like puking in the bathroom during your child's first birthday party to make you feel like a bad mom.

My BIL took me out the night before and got me super wasted- silly me, I know, but the $$ was flowin' (from others) and the seedy bar we were at was fun. I overdid it, and I know it.

Our baby is not doing good in the car and wasn't that great on the plane either. He fusses and cries alot and hangs onto me. It gets old. He didn't sleep much on the plane, and won't sleep anywhere but in bed- not a carseat, not on a lap, nowhere but in a crib or playpen. He's slowly getting used to the new people here and warming up to them. He's acting like a totally different child than the one I'm used to- but with the travel, etc. I guess it's expected.

My hubby is dragging me to dinner to his friend's house. I have to meet the dude's wife. I hate meeting new people- especially when I'm out of my element. She'll be all trim and perfect and I'll feel like a big, dumpy hick.

The weather has finally warmed up and it's supposed to be in the '60s this week- hooray! I spent all day today without needing a jacket. We let the baby run in the yard- he had a blast.

We drove to Pennsylvania and stayed overnight with hubby's grammy. I'll write more about the trip in another entry. All in all, the town was great, grammy was happy to see us, and all except for my child's dislike for the car ride, things went great. We took advantage of the Pennsylvania town's depressed economy and had breakfast for $3.00 each!!! At lunch, you can get FOUR pieces of pizza and a soda for $4.00! An entire HUGE pizza costs under $10.00! It blew me away.

Tomorrow we're going to the mall. Oh, and we changed our tickets so we overnight in Seattle on the way back, so we don't have the whole trip in one day. We did that on the way down and think it helped the baby some.


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� mbwillow on
2006-03-27 at 8:42 p.m.